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Deprecated function: stripos(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($haystack) of type string is deprecated in _biblio_bibtex_export() (line 406 of sites/all/modules/biblio/modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module).


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D. Cremers, Schnörr, C., Weickert, J., and Schellewald, C., Diffusion Snakes Using Statistical Shape Knowledge, in Proc. Algebraic Frames for the Perception-Action Cycle, Kiel, 2000, vol. 1888, pp. 164–174.
D. Cremers, Schnörr, C., Weickert, J., and Schellewald, C., Learning Translation Invariant Shape Knowledge for Steering Diffusion-Snakes, in 3rd Workshop on Dynamic Perception, Berlin, Germany, 2000, vol. 9, pp. 117–122.
D. Cremers, Schnörr, C., and Weickert, J., Diffusion–Snakes: Combining Statistical Shape Knowledge and Image Information in a Variational Framework, in IEEE First Workshop on Variational and Level Set Methods in Computer Vision, Vancouver, Canada, 2001, pp. 237–244.
A. Bruhn, Weickert, J., Feddern, C., Kohlberger, T., and Schnörr, C., Real-Time Optic Flow Computation with Variational Methods, in Proc. Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP'03), 2003, vol. 2756, pp. 222-229.
A. Bruhn, Weickert, J., Feddern, C., Kohlberger, T., and Schnörr, C., Variational Optic Flow Computation in Real-Time, Dept. Math. and Comp. Science, Saarland University, Germany, 89, 2003.