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A. Vlasenko and Schnörr, C., Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates, in Pattern Recognition -- 30th DAGM Symposium, 2008, vol. 5096, p. 406--415.PDF icon Technical Report (1.6 MB)
A. Vlasenko and Schnörr, C., Physically Consistent Variational Denoising of Image Fluid Flow Estimates, in Pattern Recognition – 30th DAGM Symposium, 2008, vol. 5096, pp. 406–415.
A. Vlasenko and Schnörr, C., Variational Approaches for Model-Based PIV and Visual Fluid Analysis, Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis, vol. 106. Springer, pp. 247-256, 2009.PDF icon Technical Report (3.39 MB)
A. Vlasenko and Schnörr, C., Variational Approaches for Model-Based PIV and Visual Fluid Analysis, Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis, vol. 106. Springer, pp. 247-256, 2009.