Module: Working Academically ('Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten') (IWA)
The seminar provides an insight in how to work in an academic manner and focuses on self-organizing and presentation skills and how to produce posters and final thesis. After introductory sessions, students will give short presentations, which will be discussed in detail afterwards. Topics will be provided by the lecturer or (upon consultation) can be suggested by students.
Course Information
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Björn Ommer
Form: 2 SWS
Time and Place:
Attendance: The number of participants is restricted! Thus, a pre-registration is required . The deadline for registration is Friday, October 6, 2017 . For registration, please write an email to Sabine Lang with your information (name, Matrikelnummer, subjects): [email protected]
Course Requirements: active and regular attendance, presentation, written work (handout or poster etc)
Other: Topics for presentations will be handed out in the first session.
Start: : by agreement (n.V.)!