Dr. Bogdan Savchynskyy, Prof. Dr. Carsten Rother, SoSe 2019
Machine learning techniques are tightly coupled with optimization methods. Many techniques become practical only if there exists a supporting optimization tool.
In the seminar we will discuss a number of recent articles on combinatorial optimization with applications in computer vision and machine learning.
General Information
- Seminar: Wed, 14:00 – 16:00, Raum: Mathematikon B (Berliner Str. 43), SR B128
Ring the door bell labelled "HCI am IWR" to be let in. The seminar room is in the 3rd floor. - Credits: 2 / 4 / 6 CP depending on course of study
5 June 2019
14:00 - M. Schäfers. The Auction Algorithm and Variants Thereof.
19 June 2019
14:00 - M. Tabachnik. The Sinkhorn Algorithm and its Analysis.
26 June 2019
15:00 - D. Fieberg. Convergence and Correctness of Belief Propagation for Min-Cost Network Flow.
10 July 2019
14:00 - H. Tian. Motion Trajectory Segmentation.
17 July 2019
14:00 - T. Darr. Weighted Correlation Clustering.
15:00 - L. Kuppel. Combinatorial Persistency Criteria.
24 July 2019
14:00 - M. Tabachnik. TBA.
Please register for the seminar in Müsli. If you have trouble registering, drop an email to [email protected].
Papers for presentation and discussion are in general pre-selected. A short introduction will be given at the first seminar session. The paper assignment will also take place during this seminar.
Moral Lineage Tracing
Jug et al.: Moral Lineage Tracing
Rempfler et al.: Efficient Algorithms for Moral Lineage TracingGraphical Models for Joint Segmentation and Tracking
Kausler et al.: A Discrete Chain Graph Model for 3d+t Cell Tracking with High Misdetection Robustness
Schiegg et al.: Graphical Model for Joint Segmentation and Tracking of Multiple Dividing CellCell Tracking using Integer Programming
Tueretken et al.: Globally Optimal Cell Tracking using Integer ProgrammingEscherichia Coli in the Mother Machine
Jug et al.: Optimal Joint Segmentation and Tracking of Escherichia Coli in the Mother MachineConservation Tracking
Schiegg et al.: Conservation TrackingLinking of Cell Tracks using the Viterbi Algorithm
Magnusson et al.: Global Linking of Cell Tracks using the Viterbi Algorithm
The Auction Algorithm and Variants Thereof
Bertsekas: Network Optimization: Continuous and Discrete ModelsThe Sinkhorn Algorithm and its analysis
Sinkhorn, Knopp: Concerning Nonnegative Matrices and Doubly Stochastic MatricesLoopy Belief Propagation
Sanghavi et al.: Linear Programming Analysis of Loopy Belief Propagation for Weighted MatchingBelief Propagation Min-Sum Algorithm for Min-Cost Network Flow
Riazanov et al.: Belief Propagation Min-Sum Algorithm for Generalized Min-Cost Network FlowConvergence and Correctness of Belief Propagation for Min-Cost Network Flow
Gamarnik, Shah, Wei: Belief Propagation for Min-Cost Network Flow: Convergence and Correctness
Decomposition of Image and Mesh Graphs by Lifted Multicut
Keuper et al.: Efficient Decomposition of Image and Mesh Graphs by Lifted MulticutsMotion Trajectory Segmentation
Keuper et al.: Motion Trajectory Segmentation via Minimum Cost MulticutsWeighted Correlation Clustering
Lange et al.: Partial Optimality and Fast Lower Bounds for Weighted Correlation ClusteringMessage Passing for Minimum Cost Multicut
Swoboda, Andres: A Message Passing Algorithm for the Minimum Cost Multicut ProblemCombinatorial Persistency Criteria
Lange, Andres, Swoboda: Combinatorial Persistency Criteria for Multicut and Max-Cut
You can find all papers in the HeiBOX. The password will be announced during the introduction.